5 Dating Tips for Introverts
Dating Tips

5 Dating Tips for Introverts

Introverts do not date the same way as extroverts. While extroverts may love situations where they’re the center of attention, introverts are the exact opposite. Introverts may prefer to avoid surrounding themselves with different kinds of people than extroverts do. This means that introverts may have to do things a little differently when it comes to dating. If you’re a homebody, you may need to put in a little extra effort when finding potential partners. Here are some tips to help you find love as an introvert.

Start Searching for Love in the Right Places:

When finding love, going outside your comfort zone is overrated. Even though opposites attract, relationships are much more successful if you find a partner who shares the same ideals and values. There are different dating websites available that focus on bringing like-minded people together. Such as Christian dating sites, Hong Kong dating sites, military dating sites, etc. While extroverts may be comfortable making small talk and bonding with people with whom they share little or no interest, introverts prefer meaningful relationships with people they’re genuinely interested. And the only way to meet these people is to visit places where they’re likely to hang out.

Learn to Make Small Talk:

Even though introverts are often not fans of small talk, it is inevitable in the first few dates. These dates may involve a lot of small discussions so learn how to do them to avoid coming across as boring. One solid tip for learning small talk is to stay focused on asking open-ended questions; that way, your date gives an exciting response to elicit a follow-up from you. Close-ended questions are conversation killers and should be avoided. Instead of asking, “What do you do for a living?’ you should ask ‘How’s a typical day at work for you.” With these types of questions, your date should be able to respond and ask their questions. If your date seems uninterested in keeping the conversation alive, it’s okay to count this as a wrong date and try again with someone else. Never ignore the importance of chemistry in romantic relationships.

Talk About Things You Love:

Many introverts become chatty when asked to speak on a topic they’re passionate about. So, to keep your date interesting, occasionally steer the conversation towards topics you love- as long as your ex is not one of them. Go through different issues such as politics, television, and health, and linger on any options that interest your date.

Take care not to memorize a bunch of topics to impress your date; only talk about issues you genuinely have an interest in. Also, avoid being desperate to fill in any awkward moments with speech. It’s okay to have one or two moments of awkward silence; after all, you’re both just getting to know each other.

  • Avoid Talking At All:

While some introverts have no trouble talking for hours, others might find it uncomfortable talking for hours to someone they’ve just met. If you’re nervous about meeting someone for the first time and think talking might be difficult, set up a date that would not require much talking. Some options for what to do include going to a place where silence is needed, e.g., a movie. Or you can arrange to do an activity so that even if you’re not talking, you’ll be busy with your activity.

  • Feel Free to Take a Rain Check:

You must have heard one or two stories about people who sat through the most horrible dates for whatever reason. Don’t be one of them. Once a date starts feeling irreparably bad, never be shy to admit you’re not feeling it. Do not, out of politeness, sit through dates with people who are aggressive, insulting, filthy, married, etc. Also, feel free to say no if your date suggests activities or places that make you uncomfortable. Always feel comfortable enough to say how you feel at all times, especially if you come across as quiet. A few people may confuse being quiet with being a pushover or a doormat. Always believe in yourself, trust your instincts and speak your mind whenever you’re on a date.


Sometimes introverts are a bit harder to get to know than extroverts. If you’re an introvert, you may have to prepare and plan more for your dates than extroverts do. No matter how your dates turn out, never be afraid to try again until you find the one.

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