Write For Us – Guest Posts On Relationship

Modgen keeps looking for great writers. Since we think that knowledge is best shared, we cordially invite you to become a guest writer on our platform. Please refer to our submission guidelines if you would like to share your insights and experiences on relationships with our expanding community.

Who Should Post At Modgen?

All individuals who fall into the following criteria are encouraged to submit guest posts with us:

  • Individuals seeking to expand the reach of their brand.
  • People who wish to connect with relationship enthusiasts.
  • People who feel that our audience would be the most interested in hearing their tale should share it.

What Are We Looking for?

  • We seek bold, empathetic, and open-minded individuals who value relationships with others.
  • We are searching for writers who are able to guide any of our members—regardless of gender, preference, etc.
  • In all facets of life, including relationships, we seek mindful people who recognise the importance of discovering oneself, others, and a sense of community.

Submission Guidelines:

Please read our submission guidelines before submitting your article. Also visit this website for a little while prior to submitting an article.


  • Article must be at least a thousand words long. Make sure your post has a compelling title.
  • It is crucial to utilize H1, H2, H3, and other pertinent headings.
  • Compose original, well-written content that is free of plagiarism and adds value for the reader. 
  • Don’t write an article that has been copied or published before.
  • Once we post your article on our website, it cannot be published anywhere else. 
  • Make sure to proofread your grammar and spelling.
  • The copyrights to your guest post will belong to us, and we have the authority to edit or alter it.
  • Provide a high-quality photo to go with your article. JPEG and PNG format images are what we prefer.
  • Google Docs or Microsoft Word documents are acceptable formats for guest posts.
  • Add a headshot, a brief bio about the author, and a link to your website.


  • Don’t include affiliate, promotional, or broken links. 
  • Articles unrelated to the relationship niche should not be written.
  • Use of low-quality and copyright-protected images is prohibited.

How To Submit Your Article To Modgen.net?

Send your article at [sales @ medhaavi.net] when you’re all set to submit your guest post for our blog. Please put “relationship guest post” in the subject line of your email. 

We can’t wait to read your interesting and educational guest posts!