Dating App

Lesbian Dating Apps List Updated

Let’s face it – there’s a good chance you know at least one individual who’s met their loved one over a dating app. And if we’re being honest, it’s probably more than one. It doesn’t matter if you’re non-binary, female or male, or what your sexual preferences are; most of us have used a dating app at one point or another. And yet, most of these are designed solely for heterosexual people. Really, what gives? Don’t worry, a queer woman doesn’t necessarily have to meet a partner in places like lesbian bars. In recent years, a few quality lesbian dating apps have sprung up – and we’re here to tell you all about them!

1. Her

As you probably know from experience, meeting a new partner as a lesbian woman is not that easy. If you’re living in progressive areas, such as San Francisco or New York, it’s easier; but don’t start looking for an online cost calculator for your move just yet.

We’ve got a few lesbian dating apps that should make your dating experience easier, no matter where you are. And among them, Her is probably the premier one. 

This is no surprise, seeing as Her represents a rare breed among the more popular dating apps. Specifically, because it was created precisely with queer women in mind.

And interestingly enough, even though that is its primary purpose, both non-binary and cisgender people use it. At least those who want to meet lesbian women or non-binary individuals.

Plus, it differs from the usual features that dating apps offer. It gives users the option of crafting something akin to a social media presence on their profiles. And it gives suggestions on many queer events that people can go to in their respective areas, and meet potential partners in real life. 


Sure, Scissr is definitely a less popular option compared to Her. However, it was still designed purposefully with lesbian women in mind, as well as non-binary people.

And apart from being a dating app, it’s also meant to be a social networking app for that entire subculture. On Scissr, people can meet those of similar interests and tastes, even if they just want to chat or make a new friend. 

3. Plenty of Fish

Once you take a look at Plenty of Fish’s web presence, you definitely won’t be blown away. In fact, it looks like a piece of web design straight out of the dial-up era; but don’t let that discourage you.

Their match-making process is actually far more detailed than on most other dating apps. Before you’re matched with someone else, you have to answer 70 personality-related questions.

And then, you pass a psychological analysis, that’s also consisted of around 30 questions. The only downside is the fact that you can’t specifically choose a non-binary or bisexual option. 

4. Lesly

Let’s face it; most dating apps aren’t specifically made for bisexual women and lesbians, so even a slightly subpar app with such intentions is worthy of a mention.

And Lesly is just that – a very basic app. It has a similar set-up to Tinder. You register a photo-based account, and then swipe right or left to match with other users. 

5. Coffee Meets Bagel

If we’re being honest, we can’t conclude that Coffee Meets Bagel is exactly the best lesbian dating app that you’ll find.

In previous versions, bisexual people could only select one gender to be matched with. Though, in the past couple of years, they’ve strived to make their platform more friendly towards the LGBTQ+ community. 

As for the user experience itself, it’s quite similar to other dating apps, with the classic swiping mechanism.

However, Coffee Meets Bagel will provide users with a certain amount of higher-quality matches on a daily basis. 

6. Hinge

Hinge’s old match-making worked by connecting users to mutual friends through their Facebook profiles. However, recently made changes have opened Hinge users to a wider pool of available partners for dating.

Its depth is somewhere between OkCupid and Tinder; you answer a couple of questions about your personality when you make a profile, but it’s nothing dramatic. 

7. Fem

When you make a profile on Fem, you don’t need to fear running into men who don’t belong there. Straight up, this is an app for people who want to meet lesbians, and lesbians themselves; pure and simple.

This is a direct quote from the company, and while the language isn’t particularly inclusive; in reality, all sexual preferences of queer woman are present in the app. 

It’s also somewhat different compared to other similar apps, in terms of the user profiles. Specifically, users are supposed to make video profiles of themselves, rather than simply uploading a couple of photos.

And plus, it has a group chat option. Naturally, for those too shy to make videos, there are other options. It’s by no means mandatory, just an extra option that most users opt to utilize. 

8. Tinder

Many women avoid Tinder, as it’s not exactly up there with the best lesbian dating apps; especially with all the horror stories of men who find their way onto lesbian women’s feeds.

Still, if you want to have the widest possible pool of people to choose from; Tinder beats everyone else at the numbers game. Saying that it’s one of the most popular apps for dating is really putting it mildly. 


As you can see, the list of available lesbian dating apps is actually longer than most people would think.

And this dating niche is ever-growing, so we can expect to see more similar software solutions in the future!