Top Relationship Books for Couples

Top Relationship Books for Couples

Sometimes even if you have found your soulmate and the love of your life, things might not work out as you expected. Let’s face it, every relationship has its ups and downs. So, when things get hard, its best to look for some help. There are many things you can do in those situations. For example, most couples turn to counseling. That method can be good, but it is expensive and you will also need to find something to do between the two sessions. Because of that, many couples try finding solutions in various relationship books. Nowadays, you can find many great books for couples that aim to improve communication between the two people, to resolve numerous conflicts and simply show how to make love strong again. So, without further ado, here are some of the best relationship books for couples.

1. The Relationship Cure: A 5-Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships by John Gottman

The Relationship Cure is one of the New York Times best-selling books. It actually helped many people deal with their marital, family or friendship problems. But, it goes without saying that its biggest audience were couples. But how did this book actually help all these people?

Well, believe it or not, it contains a lot of questionnaires and exercises that require couples to work on constantly. And if they are honest and persistent, the results can be seen in a couple of weeks or even less.

These exercises are actually the same ones that John Gottman uses in his couple therapy. So, before you make any rash decisions like a break-up and hire professionals and move across the country or pay a large sum of money for counselling, try reading this book first.

2. The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary D. Chapman

This book has actually become a classic. If you went to therapy or you know somebody who has, then you also probably know that this book is on everybody’s must-read list.

One of the books’ most important logos is ‘Falling in love is easy, staying in love is hard’. And that is exactly what this book tries to achieve – helping people stay in love.

It is full of stories and examples of couples who are struggling and it gives advice on how to remedy those struggles.

Also, besides being very practical, the book is fun to read. It is full of advice and ideas that can help you and your partner in all parts of your relationships, from communication to the art of lovemaking. This is why so many successful couples recommend it to all their friends and acquaintances.

3. Love Warrior: A Memoir by Glennon Doyle

This is a different kind of book as it does not show how to save a relationship, but how to recover from it. Nevertheless, it has some crucial advice on dating after divorce. Glennon Doyle here actually writes about her own experience.

That is, she tells her readers about her divorce and all the things that came afterwards. So, she said that people should never take less than they deserve.

And, if the marriage was destructive, then people should walk away. She also writes about conventions of love and tells couples that not everything is what it seems. Once they realize that, they will be able to have a great life and love.

So, if you went through a divorce recently, and you want to know how to find great love again, try reading this memoir by Glennon Doyle.

4. The Seven Principals of Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide From the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert by John Gottman

This is more of a guide book than a novel. Its sole purpose is not to entertain but to give some practical advice to all couples, either married or still in a process of dating, how to make their relationships and marriages work.

As previously mentioned John Gottman has been a couple’s therapist and his career has been very long. In his job, he met different kinds of couples with numerous types of problems and struggles.

But, in this book, he did not write about his experience with other couples and how he helped them resolve their issues, no! This book is different because it tries to solve the problem by using carefully selected data and statistics.

And, because of that, it became a tool many other counsellors and therapists use as well.

5. Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: Practical Guide For Improving Communication by John Gray

This book by John Gray is certainly nothing new, but it is, by all means, a classic among the books on relationships. There is probably not a single person on this planet who has not heard about it.

So, what makes this guide about men and women so special?

Most likely, the fact that it was the first book to talk about how men and women are different, and how there’s actually nothing wrong with that. Its main goal is to advise couples and enable them to understand each other better.

The writer, John Gray, starts by explaining that people in relationships have their own needs, but also wishes and types of behaviour.

And he explains that this is perfectly normal and natural. People just need to understand that we are all different. Once they do, their process of dating, or their relationship or marriage, will be significantly improved. (Also, it’s our favourite pick from our list of Relationship Books for Couples).

6. Why Don’t We Listen Better? Communicating and Connecting in Relationships by James C. Peterson

The author of this book, James C. Peterson, writes about his observations during his forty years of experience. He was a marriage counsellor and a pastoral minister.

So, during his career, he met all sorts of couples. And he made a conclusion – people need to listen more and listen better if they want their relationships to work.

He mentions that communications skills are important in any relationship. That is why he wrote about different listening techniques couples can do if they want a healthy relationship.

The book is full of advice and guidance, and all focus on one thing – listening to your partner in order to understand him/her and have a loving relationship and marriage.

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